Friday, May 2, 2014

Final Reflective Post

What aspects of this course did you find most beneficial?

I really enjoyed reading and learning about new types of technology such as PLEs. I enjoyed that the class was online and that we could work at our own pace throughout the week. I thought the PD workshop was beneficial; I will try to present it at some point! I thought using our blogs for submissions and to get assignments was so easy. I liked that better than using a dropbox through BlackBoard. 

What aspects of this course did you find did not meet your needs?  Please make suggestions regarding how your needs might be met. 

Some weeks I thought we had too much to read. With teaching full-time and a family, there were weeks where I struggled to get it all done. I felt that the last week, when we were working on our rough drafts, we could have had a week off of the readings. 

What topics in this course were most interesting to you? 

I found the weeks we discussed PLEs, MOOCs, and copyright were most interesting and helpful. 

What topics in this course were least helpful/interesting?

I thought diversity awareness in technology was the least helpful and interesting. I also thought the second article we read on adaptive technology was really difficult to read! 

How did your knowledge of issues in educational technology evolve over the semester?  Did you have any "Aha" moments? 

Definitely!!!! Many times throughout the readings I found myself coming up with new ideas and new thoughts on technology. I had never even heard of PLEs before. I also didn't know much about copyright issues and I'm thankful for that information!! 
Any other thoughts you want to share...

I really enjoyed this class...thank you!!!