Saturday, February 1, 2014

Collective Intelligence Reflection

I have to say this week's readings and activities have me very excited. I have been thinking all week of how I can integrate this idea into my math classes. All of our 8th graders have their own Google Chromebook which makes trying this new idea even easier to implement. I enjoyed logging onto our shared document this week and reading what everyone presented for our topic on education. 

“The logic behind Google, Lines, Wikipedia, etc. is not used as a learning tool,” states Ilon (1). I started thinking about how to incorporate Ilon's ideas into my mathematics classroom. I think I will try it first with my honors Geometry class. They are very independent and responsible; I feel they would be a good group to try it out on. In 7 Things You Should Know About Personal Learning Environments, the authors stated that a few issues arise when using PLEs, especially in the beginning stages. The lack of continuity for students, along with the vague definition, may prove unsettling to those students who desire more structure. Students will also need self-awareness and time to get used to this new method. It is also difficult for students as most of them are unaware of how they learn best. This is quite a bit of responsibility, especially in the beginning. I feel my honors students possess many of these skills which is why I would try it with them first. 

I can see trying something like we did this week. Give them a topic, have them share each day and delete/add as necessary. I even thought of having them find problems that relate to the topic, solve them and correct each other's work online. My colleague and I were discussing the need for a grading rubric as all 8th graders want to know if it's for a grade and how it will be graded. I would like to possibly try using groups of three or four and giving them each a different topic and having them share with the group. I completely agree with Ilon that teachers are no longer seen as the keepers of the knowledge and that students should be more involved in the learning process. I better understand, after our activity this week, how this could work in my classroom. At first I think my students would be a little overwhelmed by the responsibility, but I also think as they got used to it, they'd enjoy it. 

We also discussed different pedagogical styles this week during lunch  in the teacher's lounge. We discussed discovery-based learning, project-based learning, collective intelligence and lecturing. All of us came to the conclusion that a balance of everything is really the best method. Some students will not like the uneasy feeling that comes from trying a new learning method. However, through the use of different methods, including collective intelligence, students will find out how they learn best. 

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